Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Keys to Organization

Most people who know me called me super-organized.  Some (maybe my husband) call me OCD!  I love having an organized house.  There is nothing better than sitting down on the couch at the end of a long day, when Reid is asleep, and knowing that there is nothing I have to do but relax!

So, here are some of the things that help me stay organized:

1- Find a place for everything

If you don't know where something belongs, how can you put it away?  Whenever you get something new, put it away immediately.  Don't put it on the table and walk away.  Make it a priority to put it away correctly and neatly.

Already have a bunch of stuff you don't know what to do with?  Do you use it?  If not, get rid of it!  Donate it or pack it up in garage sale boxes that stay put away until time for the sale.

Overwhelmed?  Do a room a day until it's clutter free.  It will only take 10-20 mins per room.  Do it first thing in the morning, when you aren't tired.

Once things have a home in your home, always put them away.

All of Reid's toys have a room they belong in and they don't leave that room.  We put them down before moving somewhere else to play.  This keeps the trips back and forth from room to room to a minimum while cleaning.

2- Make a schedule

For me, the key to an organized house is routine.  I have chores assigned to a certain day.  I try to get everything done while Ryan is at work so I can spend our time together.

For example:

Monday- Laundry day.  I do all of the laundry this day and put it away the same day.
Tuesday- Vacuum/Dust
Every other Tuesday- Grocery shop
Wednesday- Clean the kitchen
Thursday- Bathrooms
Friday- Vacuum again

3- Don't Procrastinate!!!!

This is a BIG one!  It happens to be an easy one for me because I can't relax if I have a to do list, but I know I'm not normal!

Never leave dishes in the sink!  Always do them right away whether it be by hand or in a dishwasher.  Always unload the dishwasher ASAP.  Give the baby a snack in the highchair and get it done!  It sets the tone for the day.

Learn to "Powerclean". Whenever you have 5-10 mins, pick something up.  As soon as Reid goes down for a nap, I immediately go and pick up any mess that he made during playtime.  This quick effort goes a long way into keeping things tidy. 

These are just a few things that I do to help keep the house in order.  The way I see it, the house is my office and I would never leave my office, desk, workspace, etc., a mess, so I can't let my house go.

I will do another post on groceries and cooking another day!

Here's are pics of Reidman enjoying our McDonald's ice cream dish :) 

 He ran around the house with it on his face, screaming into it for 10 mins! 
 His eyebrow is bruised... he took a flying leap into the ramp of his racetrack this morning :(
Have a great day!


  1. I wish I could be as organized as you! I've tried these tips many times, but with two kids and it seems like we are always so busy it's just impossible in my house. I used to be way more organized (except my desk, it's always been a disaster, I've never had good places for things there).

    One trick I have found with Ashley getting older is that I do try to have places for all her toys. For things like barbies, doll house, potato heads- anything with pieces/parts/accessories, I have a bin for each type of thing. That way it's easier on kids to pick up and keep things separated. I remember growing up with a toybox, which was great, but then when I wanted to play with things with parts, I had to dig through a big box. So now with Ash, she has lots of bins for things. and it doesn't matter if she's too young to be neat about her things, they just all go into the bin all willy nilly and the bin gets put on the shelf. (I prefer the bins with latch lids so they are less likely to spill if dropped and small hands with some skill can open them easier than the snap on lids.

  2. You always were super duper organized! I think the putting something new in its spot right away is the best tip. Once it has a home, you're that much more likely to always put it back.

  3. Wow! I am super impressed and feeling bad that you ever saw my crazy house! I am trying to follow your tips and will try to clean the bathrooms today. So far I have not been able to put a baby down for more than a few minutes during which time I actually used the bathroom. But the day is young!

  4. Sarah- I like the bins with snap lids idea! I will start stockpiling those!

    Megan- Thanks! When you said that I just remembered that day freshman year when I came home from class and you guys and made a fake "alyssa" on my bed with my water bottle, dictionary, and cookies! Good times!

    Liz- PLEASE don't feel bad at all! Your house wasn't bad and I really didn't judge it at all! I am sure I will have a reality check when I have another kid!
