Friday, August 5, 2011

Still Weighting

I have been struggling with my weight for quite a while now.  I was in pretty good shape all through my youth, high school, and most of college.  However, when I got back from living in Spain in 2003, things somehow changed.  I'm pretty sure it was that my metabolism finally caught up with me and my horrible eating habits. Since then, my junior year of college, it has been an ever present battle.

I let things get pretty bad through college and my first year of teaching.  It wasn't until trying on my wedding dress that I realized I had to do something.  That was in August of 2006.

I decided that I needed a lot of guidance and support, so I went with Jenny Craig.  I went from 197 to 158 over the course of 7 months and stayed there for... 3 months!  After the wedding, I quit trying.  I ate whatever I wanted and quit exercising.  I didn't care anymore.

Then, I decided it was time to get pregnant.  I knew that I would have an easier time getting pregnant if I lost some weight.  Plus, we were going on a cruise in June, 2009, so I decided to try again.  This time, I tried Weight Watchers.  I went from 192 to 168 in 4 months and stayed there for 3 months... again!

By the time I got pregnant in Aug I was back up to 185.  By the time I delivered Reid I was... 228 pounds! Wow!  Yes, there was only 1 baby in there!

Now it was time to get serious.  I don't want to be a fat mom.  I want to be a mom my kid(s) can be proud of.  So, I started watching what I eat and excercising again and I finally understand something.  It isn't about getting into a swimsuit or a wedding dress.  It is about be a healthy person and a good role model for my children.  It is about being happy with what I see in the mirror everyday, not for a special occasion.  So, although it is still a daily struggle, I now sit happily at 169.  And I have been here for 4 months! 

This time, I know the battle isn't over.  Sometimes I splurge, but I know at the end of the day if I made good choices or not.  I also workout 5-6 times a week and I am finally enjoying it.  Maybe I finally have found a balance.  I lost all of the 60 pounds by myself.  Sweating my butt off in my living room and cooking all the food myself.  I actually have some intrinsic motivation to keep it off.  But it is still hard. Every. Single. Day.

Tomorrow I am going to talk about my favorite workout DVDs, diet, and some ways I find information.

Have a great weekend :) I'm gonna eat a peach!


  1. Hey Alyssa...great post. From one Mom to another...I completely understand! Keep up the good blogging!

  2. I'm there right now:) I feel like a lot of people could relate to your story and I am definitely one of them! I weighed 155 after my wedding when I started at the time I got pregnant I was at 174. Now, after 2 kids, I am barely under 200 pounds and fighting to lose babyweight AND whatever else you call that weight you gain after the wedding:) Thanks for your story! It helps keep me going...

  3. Thanks guys for your kind words! I think it will help me to "put it all out there"!

  4. I think you've definitely got the right motivation. It's a lifestyle, not just a wedding dress or a vacation. We can all make rules to get us to those goals, but they are generally not ones we can stick to forever (no chocolate, refusing pizza, etc.). You look great and I think you have done an amazing job! Being a healthy mom is surely a life-long motivator.
