Welcome to my blog!!!
I like to read blogs a lot, so I figured I would try to write my own. I have very strong opinions about a lot of things and I think this would be a great place to share them. I would also like a place to documents exciting thing in Reid and any future children's lives.
I plan to write about parenting, food, organization, and things that annoy me!
We had a pretty good weekend, relaxing as a family. We have been trying to do things more at home instead of spending lots of money out, so we just had a good time here. Plus, it was about a billion degrees, making it most uncomfortable to go outside.
Highlights of the weekend...
-We watched a lot of The Office episodes on Instant Netflix... so funny! Can't get enough! I didn't get into this show until last year and have a lot of catching up to do.
-The ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!! We didn't have an ice cream truck in Byron growing up. We had a the Schwan's man, but not the same. So, I have seen the truck drive past a few times this summer and was too embarrassed to go out. But, this time, I did it... grabbed my money and ran out the door without shoes, down the boiling hot driveway, and bought my Heath ice cream bar. Yum!!!
-Sleeping in. Ryan and I take turns taking care of Reid in the weekends. Today I got to sleep in until 10:10. I woke up on my own after 12 hours. Glorious.
-Swimming. Ryan, Reid, and I went to the pool today in our subdivision because, like I said earlier, it was ridonkulously hott!!! Unfortunately, about 50 other people had the same idea and it was way too packed.
This brings me to my first rant...
Parents, if you bring your children to the pool, please watch them. It isn't my job. I am there to take care of my kid, not yours.
So, today there was a little girl there, who was about 8, and who could obviously not swim. She was really testing her limits in the shallow end while her mom sat on the steps gossiping and not watching her. I, meanwhile, was watching her every move while she tiptoed towards the deep end, with her eyes barely creeping over the edge of the water.
Finally, after she got to where the water was over her head, her mom yelled at her to get her life jacket. She turned around to head back, started to bob under water, muttered a quick "help" and went under.
Her mom slowly stood up while I swam over there and grabbed her after about 1.2 seconds. I brought her to her mom who didn't even thank me and quickly went on to gossip more.
Annoying. Plus, some kid stole my noodle.
I also ditched the diet this weekend and decided to eat chocolate moose tracks and Taco Bell. Not together. Delicious and worth it.
That's about it for now. I am going to try to post some important articles soon about things that are strangely important to me such as:
-SIDS prevention
-Making your own baby food
-Car seat safety
My husband also says I should share what I cook for dinner. We'll see.